Saturday, May 17, 2014

News - Daily Summary

It was calm across the world today. Yes Ukraine is still a mess and so is Venezuela, Syria, and North Korea. China is still flexing it's muscles, but nothing new developed today with Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines. There are still protests happening in Turkey over the mining accident. There was also a big upset in the Indian elections. Then, of course, there were the usual murders, accidents, mayhem and corruption.

In the U.S. the wildfires still raged in San Diego County. The smoke was extremely thick in Southwest Riverside county where I live. Arson is suspected in several of the fires.

Stocks were higher today. It seems to me that stocks can't decide what direction to go in. Up one day, down another. Soon the markets will figure it out. My thinking is that stocks are overpriced and will eventually head much lower. Gold was flat but oil was higher. Other than the usual mayhem, murder, and corruption, there were no other major developments in the U.S.

It was another day in the calm before the storm.

What do you think?

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