Saturday, November 28, 2015

What is a Chromebook good for?

A Chromebook is essentially an internet terminal. In other words, a Chromebook uses the internet like a terminal uses a server. So what ever you can do on the internet, you can do on a Chromebook. It turns out that you can quite a bit on the internet. You can create all forms of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. You can do basic photo and video editing. You can write music. You can build web pages. You can write code. You can do just about everything you can imagine. Is using Chromebook just as good as using a regular laptop or desktop? No, but it comes close enough. The best part is that you can own a Chromebook for less that $200 and do all I mention basically for free. You can also do all that without worrying about getting a virus or malware.

So I guess you can say that a Chromebook is good for just about anything.

What do you think?

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