Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I have been a public school educator for 19 years. So what has been the biggest change I have experienced during that time? I wish I could say that education has improved or that students have become more literate or knowledgeable, but that's not the case. I wish I could say that students (or for that matter teachers) have become better behaved, motivated, and self-directed, but that's not the case. The biggest change that has occurred is how distracted students have become. I wish I got paid based upon how often I ask students to pay attention, stop talking, or put away the computing device they are playing with (cell phone, game system, music player, tablet, etc…). What is causing the distraction? I believe it is years of exposure to TV, computers, gaming systems, and now the internet and smart phones. We live in a distracted society, is it surprising that is shows up in the classroom? So how do we fix the problem? I wish I knew because I would be a very wealthy man!

What do you think?

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